
ELD Mandate, 46 Days Left, PROGRESSIVE Offers Free ELD Service To Their Drivers

Saberlines Insurance Services


Although by now most people understand what the ELD mandate is and what it requires of them, it is still a good idea to explain for those who are not entirely familiar with its nitty gritty details.

As mentioned earlier, ELD mandate is being pushed by the FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration).

The FMCSA works in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Transportation (DoT), and its primary goal is to improve road safety and reduce the number of accidents that happen throughout the United States.

How will the ELD mandate help with improving road safety?

You see, driver fatigue is believed to be the biggest cause of road accidents. Recently, doctors also confirmed driver fatigue to be the chief reason for vehicle crashes.

The FMCSA already has certain Hours of Service (HOS) rules and regulations that limit how many hours a driver can drive in a day. However, the problem is that Hours of Service are recorded with paper logs and, therefore, can be easily manipulated and falsified.

As a result, many drivers, either willingly or unwillingly after being coerced by fleet managers, end up driving more than they are supposed to drive. They breach their Hours of Service limits, drive more hours in a day, and get tired. All of which eventually increase the probability of road accidents.

According to the ELD mandate, most commercial motor vehicles need to be equipped with electronic logging devices.

These ELDs will eliminate paper logs and record driver duty statuses and HOS information automatically. Moreover, ELDs are supposed to be tamper-resistant, so the recorded information cannot be altered by anyone.
(Excerpt from Keep Truckin)

Insured by Progressive? Come in to Saberlines Insurance and fill a form to get your ELD cost covered by them!

Saberlines A Progressive Insurance Agent

Keep Truckin ELD System

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